Job Description
**Applications are accepted until there are sufficient numbers of qualified applications or qualified candidate has been identified. The position could possibly close at any time.***
Under the general direction of the Dental Director in collaboration with the Health Center Administrator, he/she diagnoses dental disease or injury, establishes treatment, planning, performs fillings, extractions and related procedures. Provides clinical supervision to Dental Assistant(s) and Dental Hygienist(s) assigned to his/her team. Serves as team member , participates in team meetings, review of clinic productivity, scheduling procedures and establishing guidelines for care and treatment. 1.
Diagnose dental disease or injury, establish treatment plans, and perform fillings, extractions and related procedures. 2.
Provide dental supervision of the Dental Assistant(s) and the Dental Hygienist(s) assigned to his/her patients. 3.
Follow procedures that comply with OSHA requirements to maintain the safety of the patients and themselves. 4.
Participates in dental team meetings and general health center staff meetings as well.
Assist in reviewing Dental Clinic productivity, scheduling procedures, and establishing guidelines for care and treatment. 6.
Consults with other Dentists and health care providers either as a resource or to ensure safe treatment. 7.
Refer patients for specialty care as appropriate. Such referrals may not be made to a Dentist’s private practice, or to a dentist with whom the dentist is a partner or associate. 8.
Participate in interviews and make recommendations for hiring staff, counseling employees, rendering performance evaluations and ensuring quality of care. 9.
Remain current on new theories and procedures through continuing education. Meet educational requirements for licensure. 10.
May participate in planning and implementation of community dental programs. 11.
Utilizes his/her professional judgment in the performance of the services to be provided consistent with organizational policies and procedures, the law and the standards of his/her profession.
her Functions:
Perfor m s o t her duties as assigned
During a public health e m ergency, the e m ployee m ay be required to per f orm duties si m ilar to but not li m ited to those in his/her job description.
(An employee in this position may be called u pon to do any or all of the above tasks. These examples do not include all of the t a s ks whi c h the employee m ay be expected to pe r fo r m)
Education: D.D.S. or D.M.D from an accredited school of dentistry.
Experience: Two to three years practice in dentistry and/or in areas such as a com m unity dentistry progra m .
Other Requirements:
License to p ractice as a denti s t in Mi chigan.
Be able to perform simple functions on the computer and to be able to search and document in the electronic medical and dental records.
e qualification s liste d abov e ar e intende d t o represen t t he minimu m skill s an d experience levels associated with performing the duti e s and responsibilities contained in this job description. The qualifications shoul d no t b e viewe d a s expr essing absolute employ m ent or promotional standards, but as general guidelines that shoul d b e considere d alon g wit h othe r job- related selection or pro m otiona l criteria)
Physical Requirements:
the ability to tolerate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for extended periods.
Ability to a c cess o ff ice f iles.
his job r e quires the a bility to pe r form the es senti a l fu n ctions cont a i n ed in t h is d escri p tion. These include, but are not li m ite d to , th e requirement s liste d above. Reasonable accommodations will b e made for otherwise qu alifie d ap p licant s unabl e t o fulf ill one or m o re of the s e requirements)
Working C onditions:
W orks in o f fice con d iti o ns.
Exposure to communicable diseases, bloo d an d othe r bodil y fluids.