Student Government Leader PLV
Job Description
Student Government Association leaders who are to be awarded stipends for their service to the University are subject to change at any time, as determined by the staff of the Center for Student Engagement. Stipends are processed at the end of each semester upon evaluation and completion of the duties outlined below by the Student Government Association's Student Engagement Advisor.
Conditions of Employment for Receiving a Stipend:
Positions within SGA are for the term of a full academic year.
Officers must fulfill at least three office hours a week and attend one monthly E-board meeting with their Student Engagement Advisor. Office hours must be posted on the SGA office door and shall be conducted in the office. It is also required to attend all E-board retreats conducted throughout the year.
Required to attend all Student Organization meetings unless excused by the Student Engagement Advisor The Executive Board and Student Engagement Advisor must be notified of any absences at least 24 hours before the meeting Required to attend all Student Assembly meetings each semester which is hosted by the Student Government Attend all meetings relative to the position, including, but not limited to, one-on-ones with a supervisor/advisor, organization meetings, budget review meetings, training, and in-services as directed by leaders/supervisors. EXPECTATIONS
All E-board members are required to attend and participate in all General Membership meetings and Executive Board Meetings. All board members are required to actively participate in the planning and execution of all SGA events and Failure to carry out expected duties and responsibilities of an elected position may result in removal from
The Executive Board of the SGA Shall:
Meet once per week during the fall and spring academic semesters outside of the General The President shall chair each meeting, the Secretary shall take minutes, the Parliamentarian shall establish quorum and Facilitate motions under the agreed procedure, Create and provide weekly updates at each SGA General Meeting, Serve as the coordinating agent for all standing and ad-hoc committees regarding their goals and administrative progress, Keep the SGA Advisor informed of all important information regarding the SGA through the meeting minutes, Appoint members of the SGA Assembly through a majority vote of the Executive Board if there are vacant or unfilled positions, Assume the duties, powers, and responsibilities of the SGA Assembly if said Assembly becomes incapacitated, fails to meet quorum requirements for the emergency voting procedure, or is unable to hold an emergency meeting after being given prior notice of a minimum of 48 hours regarding time-sensitive matters. The Executive Board may make these decisions through a majority vote. This excludes impeachments and amendments, In the case that a senate member cannot achieve physical representation given the limited notice and importance of the topic, voting may be completed electronically at the designated time,
Each Executive Board member shall receive one vote, except the Executive President, who shall only vote to break a tie, Initiate action upon the recommendation of the SGA Assembly, Have the power to veto by unanimous vote of the Executive Board any legislation passed by the SGA Assembly or a decision passed by another council or committee of the SGA, The Executive Board may not veto a decision by the SGA Assembly in regard to the penalty, suspension, impeachment, or removal of an SGA Refer to Article 7,
Uphold and Enforce the SGA Constitution, Create ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary through a majority vote by the Executive Board, Be able to create contracts to further the commitments of the SGA Assembly, Contracts may include confidentiality agreements, a code of conduct, and office hour agreement forms. If SGA members do not abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the agreement, the member is subject to suspension and/or impeachment,
Fulfill at least two (2) office hours per week in the SGA office each academic semester, with the addition of one (1) weekly Executive Board meeting, and be present at all weekly SGA meetings and Student Assembly meetings.
Report any misconduct or violations committed by your student organizations to the Student Engagement Advisor Student Leaders and Staff members are expected to maintain confidentiality at all times when dealing with Student & University information RESIGNATION & TERMINATION
In the event of your resignation or termination from your position, you understand that you will be required to vacate your position within 48 hours after the final decision, and all financial benefits will cease immediately. You also understand that any credit to your account will be pro-rated through the last day of your agreed employment on the staff that you serve.